熱敏感商品-Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克)
或許大家都聽過Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克),但印象中Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露髮旺旺,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

如果你還在考慮Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Organic | Fair Trade | Non-GMO
- Made with Pure Coconut Oil
- Melty Silky Goodness
- USDA Organic
- Certified Gluten-Free
- No Artificial Flavors | No Emulsifiers
- Certified B Corporation
- Certified Organic by QAI
Our pure organic coconut oil comes from Kerala Fair Trade Alliance on India's Malabar Coast. This farmer-owned coop practices "jaiva krishi', a sustainable farming method mimicking virgin rainforest, where birds, squirrels and even wild elephants roam safely.
Time for an irresistibly cool combination. Sink your teeth into dep Ecuadorian cacao to reveal a silky-smooth, oh-so-minty center stirred with creamy milk, wholesome coconut oil, and a mellowing touch of Madagascar vanilla.
We travel far and wide to bring you the world's most exotic, delicious, and sustainable foods.
Coconut Oil: Goodness all around
Why coconut oil? It's been used for thousands of years by cultures all over the world for its qualities. We use only the pure organic variety in our truffles for the amazing silky, melty texture it adds – and, importantly, to support a sustainable alternative to palm kernel oil.
Alter Eco, 有機巧克力,黑薄荷松露,黑巧克力,4.2盎司(120克)髮旺旺>髮旺旺
