
運動-EVLution Nutrition, Stacked Protein, Vanilla Ice Cream, 6.34 oz (180 g)
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如果你還在考慮EVLution Nutrition, Stacked Protein, Vanilla Ice Cream, 6.34 oz (180 g)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- 25 g Complete Protein Complex
- 5 g Glutamine + 5 g BCAA-Serving
- Low Fat / No Amino Spiking
- Fast and Slow For Use Anytime 維霖診所曹院長
- Natural and Artificial Flavors
- 髮旺旺
- Muscle Growth
- Muscle Recovery
- Prolonged Protein Synthesis
- Improved Muscle Strength
- Extended Release Fast and Slow Protein Matrix
- 5 grams Glutamine and Glutamine Peptides
- 11 grams of Naturally Occurring EAAs
- 5 grams BCAA to support muscle growth
- 2.6 grams of Leucine to limit muscle Breakdown
- Advanced Digestive Blend to Support Absorption
- Best in Class Ingredients and Manufacturing
- Instantized for easy mixing with a spoon
>EVLution Nutrition, Stacked Protein, Vanilla Ice Cream, 6.34 oz (180 g)
